Thursday, March 27, 2014

Portrait Techniques

Experiment With Lighting
Photo by Bukutgirl
This portrait is simply incredible. I keep staring and staring at the subject wondering so many things– what makes her have this sad and weak expression upon her face? is she trapped in something somewhere? how is the light hitting her face like that? I could just wonder for hours on end what made this photograph come to be, and that's exactly what makes it great.

Framing The Subject
Image by darkmatter

What I love about this portrait, first of all, are the colors that devour the page; the browns and oranges all go together so perfectly. His face, specifically his eyes, is the first thing the the viewer's eyes will go to because they are framed by these two bars of some sort. The eyes are framed even more by his hair cut that cuts right across his forehead. 

Rule of Thirds
What's unique about this photo compared to a good amount of other ones I have seen, is that this one is simple. Not only is only a portion of the subject's face in the frame and the background is blurred, but the photo itself is processed as black and white. I love black and white photos. I also love how this photographer placed his/her subject and how she is looking off into the distance with an expression of determination and hope. 

Play With Eye Contact- Looking off Camera
Photo by monicutza80
I don't think I can pinpoint exactly what it is about this photo that I'm drawn to; however, if I were to try, I'd say that it's the fact that the woman who is photographed is looking away from the camera. Because of this slight action, there is a little mystery left to the viewers. I'm sure I don't speak for just myself here when I say that I'm curious as to what she's looking at and what she's doing. 

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